17:11 — 30 october, 2019A National Scientific and Practical Conference entitled “Actual problems of international relations” was held at AUL
12:40 — 29 october, 2019AUL Confucius Institute took part in the International Forum
15:59 — 23 october, 2019A roundtable on the topic“Nikolay Roerich’s mysteries and myths” was held at the Russian Studies Centre
15:01 — 23 october, 2019AUL Rector’s meeting with ELTE University representative
13:13 — 21 october, 2019"Our independence is eternal"
10:16 — 21 october, 2019AUL Rector met with the Ambassador of France
15:15 — 18 october, 2019Discussions on International Parliament scholarship programme were held at AUL
09:58 — 18 october, 2019AUL students translated President Aliyev’s speech into six languages-VİDEO
12:12 — 16 october, 2019Success of the English lexicology and stylistics department- 2
10:26 — 12 october, 2019Deputy Malahat Ibrahimgizi met with AUL teachers and students
09:39 — 11 october, 2019AUL took part in the International Education exhibition
12:51 — 04 october, 2019AUL Rector met with the first year masters students
16:35 — 03 october, 2019“LiFFt-2019” Festival participants - “Azerbaijan Language University has high scientific potential”
16:27 — 02 october, 2019A protocol between AUL and the Police Academy was signed
11:14 — 01 october, 2019AUL Rector met with Translation Faculty students
10:59 — 01 october, 2019AUL Rector met with the 1st year students
13:59 — 30 september, 2019Memorial ceremony, commemorating Ulvi Buniyatzadeh fiftieth anniversary of the birth, was held at AUL
13:06 — 27 september, 2019“Textbooks analysis and presentation” training was held at AUL
09:42 — 26 september, 2019AUL Rector met with Police Academy delegation members
12:57 — 25 september, 2019AUL staff visited secondary school at Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil district
12:37 — 25 september, 2019President of Hungary awarded Kamal Abdullayev with highest Order