AUL staff visited secondary school at Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil district

A visit was organized by AUL Rector`s directions on the «Day of Knowledge’ in the framework of long-term cooperation.
Dean Mammad Ismailov, Heads of the Chairs Ayten Bayramova and Gulnara Sadihova, Vice-Dean Anar Rahimov were the members of the delegation, headed by the Vice-Rector Tamam Jafarova.
During the visit the Vice-Rector Tamam Jafarova cut the red ribbon, symbolizing foreign language classes opening. Special classroom, equipped with the modern facilities, visual aids, textbooks and school supplies, provided by the University, was ready for use by the pupils and school community.
Tamam Jafarova hopes that the classroom would play an important role in foreign languages specialists training.
Vice-Rector told that AUL students had had 2 months of pedagogical practice at the secondary school this year and that the fruitful cooperation with the secondary educational institution of at Jojug Marjanli village is considered to be one of the priority areas for the University, as pointed out by AUL Rector, Academician Kamal Abdullayev.
Jafarova noted that this visit marked the beginning of AUL`s support and necessary assistance to the school.Vice-Rector expressed her satisfaction with the fact that AUL`s graduate Masma Zeynalova would be a language teacher there.
Jafarova noted with appreciation the constant support provided to its graduates by the University.AUL`s graduate Masma Zeynalova, who scored highest at the diagnostical evaluation of the teachers, insisted on teaching at Jojug Marjanli village and now she conducted lessons there.
Upon recommendation of the Department of Education Tamam Jafarova held an open lesson called “Path to Success!” for 8th grade pupils. The lesson was devoted to the “Day of Knowledge”
Then University staff members presented school supplies for the 1st grade pupils and new books for the school library.
Moreover, the Head of Lexicology and Stylistics of the French Language Chair Gulnara Sadikhova would voluntarily give French and French culture lessons at Jojug Marjanli village school for a week.