After the collapse of the Soviet Union for the first time in the Republic, the Student Scientific Society (SSC) was established at AUL in 1998.
Initially, 80-100 students participated in the annual conference of SSC. For many years, the students of AUL took the highest places in the Republic Olympiads and conferences.
Our students have regularly participated in conferences held not only in our country, but also abroad through SSC.
These countries include Germany, Russia, Georgia, Malaysia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Turkey and others.
The activity of AUL SSC is already accepted as an example among other universities in the country. The annual conference of SSC is held every year. It should be noted that all the material requirements for the activities of the Student Scientific Society (publication of the program, publication of the book of abstracts, diplomas and other activities that require all the funds) are met by the university administration.
The expenses of students participating in conferences held abroad are also paid by the University administration.
The Student Scientific Society of the Azerbaijan University of Languages is a voluntary public organization of students studying at the bachelor's and master's levels of higher education, actively participating in scientific research and scientific-organizational work.
SSC reports to the university administration and the Scientific Council.
SSC is guided by relevant normative-legal acts in the field of science and education, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Education”, “Regulations on organization of scientific research work of students in higher education”, Charter of Azerbaijan University of Languages and Model Regulations on Student Scientific Society.
The main purpose of SSC is to implement scientific and organizational measures aimed at improving the quality of training of higher education specialists, maintaining scientific and technical potential and assisting the university in adapting students' research activities to the new socio-economic conditions.
• SSC's responsibilities include:
1. Involvement of students in scientific research activities and organization of these activities;
2. Promotion of various forms of scientific creativity among students based on the principle of unity of science, education and practice, assistance in increasing the interest of young people in these forms and fundamental research;
3. To motivate students to research activities and study of scientific methods, to help them to master teaching materials in a deep and creative way; 4. Formation of creative attitude of students to the chosen profession with the help of research activities; 5. Teaching students methods and tools for independent solution of scientific, technical and economic issues; 6. Purposeful involvement of talented youth in scientific research and scientific-organizational work, mastering high technologies;
7.Selection of promising young people for the system of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff training and preparation for their research activities; 8.Implementation of cooperation with SSCs of other higher education institutions, application of advanced modern forms and methods on organization of student research work to students' research work; 9. Ensuring the participation of students in the organization organizations of different levels and holding of events - scientific seminars and conferences, competitions for student scientific works, as well as courses, graduations, dissertations, Olympiads in various specialties and subjects, discussion clubs, symposiums, seminars and lectures of famous scientists, etc.
10.Preparation of students' research works for publication;
11. Assisting students in engaging in innovative activities in order to develop innovative business and entrepreneurial skills;
12. Organize the collection, dissemination and posting of information on university and extracurricular scientific events on the university website, etc.
Composition of Student Scientific Society (SSC)
Chairman of SSC:
Deputy Chairman of SSC:
Secretary of SSC:
Chairmen of faculties of SSC
Board members of the Student Scientific Society
Dear students!
We invite you to join the ranks of the Student Scientific Society, to actively participate in events, research, seminars and scientific conferences organized by the Student Scientific Society.
Address: Baku, Rashid Behbudov str. 134,
The main Corpus of AUL, room 406
Tel: (+99412) 441 31 82
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook / Student Scientific Society-AUL