The lecturer of the University of Murcia held a seminar at AUL10:38 — 13 april, 2017The lecturer of the University of Murcia held a seminar at AULAUL was awarded with certificates13:37 — 12 april, 2017AUL was awarded with certificatesAUL team was awarded the first place17:00 — 11 april, 2017AUL team was awarded the first placeSSS has started its annual conference at AUL14:30 — 11 april, 2017SSS has started its annual conference at AULAUL held a master class on Chinese language teaching10:30 — 10 april, 2017AUL held a master class on Chinese language teachingWorld Health Day event was held at AUL17:30 — 07 april, 2017World Health Day event was held at AULAzerbaijan University of Languages held ​​"Diaspora lesson"17:00 — 07 april, 2017Azerbaijan University of Languages held ​​"Diaspora lesson"7students of AUL do practical work in France and Romania16:25 — 07 april, 20177students of AUL do practical work in France and RomaniaThe representative of Warwick University at AUL15:02 — 07 april, 2017The representative of Warwick University at AULAUL teachers and students took part in the "Youth Victory march"11:30 — 07 april, 2017AUL teachers and students took part in the "Youth Victory march""The Miser" was featured in the French language at AUL18:00 — 06 april, 2017"The Miser" was featured in the French language at AULAzerbaijan University of Languages marked Chinese holiday13:18 — 06 april, 2017Azerbaijan University of Languages marked Chinese holidayAUL students go to practice17:21 — 05 april, 2017AUL students go to practiceDirector of the King Academy of Jordan at AUL13:12 — 05 april, 2017Director of the King Academy of Jordan at AULFrancophone Center was opened at AUL18:31 — 04 april, 2017Francophone Center was opened at AULMember of parlament Aydin Mirzezadeh visited AUL14:33 — 04 april, 2017Member of parlament Aydin Mirzezadeh visited AUL"International Security" textbook was prepared at AUL12:36 — 04 april, 2017"International Security" textbook was prepared at AULThe department of Caucasian studies was established at AUL10:20 — 04 april, 2017The department of Caucasian studies was established at AULA new school was created at AUL10:00 — 03 april, 2017A new school was created at AULAUL held events dedicated to the March 31 - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis16:30 — 31 march, 2017AUL held events dedicated to the March 31 - Day of Genocide of AzerbaijanisAUL held a roundtable dedicated to the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis on March 3116:49 — 30 march, 2017AUL held a roundtable dedicated to the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis on March 31