Honorary Alumni

Ağamusa Axundov

Agamusa Akhundov was born in 1932.

Doctor of Philological Sciences (1964), Professor (1967), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (2001), Honored Scientist (1990), winner of the State Republican Prize (1986), Honorary Member of the Turkish Linguistic Society (2000).

Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Baku State University (1955), Faculty of Western European Languages of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Languages (1965). Served as a Dean of the Faculty of Philology of BSU (1967-1974 and 1980-1990), Head of the Department of General Linguistics (1981-1990), then the Director of the Nasimi Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Turkology" (since 1992) and Academician-secretary of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (from 2001).

A.Akhundov was the founder of the Azerbaijani school of phonology and syntagmatic phonetics of the Azerbaijani language, and also the outstanding scientist in the field of theoretical linguistics.

The author of textbooks for higher and secondary educational institutions on grammar of the Azerbaijani language, historical phonetics, etymology, art language, stylistics, culture of speech, mathematical linguistics, etc.

Agamusa Akhundov's works were published in Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Iran and other countries. His "Azerbaijani language 5-6" was awarded by the Ministry of Education (1972), and «General Linguistics. History, theory and methods of linguistics" manual was given «Education» Society award in 1994.

Member of the editorial board (1978) of the journal "Phonetics. General linguistics. Communication Research", which was regularly published in Germany, in 1980 he became an international consultant to the journal.

He was one of the first two members of the Committee of Soviet Turkologists elected from Azerbaijan since its establishment in 1974. Was an honorary foreign citizen of New Orleans, USA, and an honorary member of the Municipal Council of Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Academician was awarded the Order of Honor of the Friendship Forces of the United States for his services in the field of friendship of people and with the Order of Glory («Shohrat») in 2000.

A.Akhundov passed away on September 5, 2015.