Faculty of English and German Languages



Today, the Faculty of English and German Languages ​​offers various programs - specializations. The following subjects are taught at the faculty.

At the Bachelor's level of higher education, English and German language teaching specialties are offered. Students in these specialties are taught the following subjects:

Language skills (by languages ​​and levels)

Practical grammar

Practical phonetics

Communicative grammar (by languages ​​and levels)

Communicative phonetics

Pronunciation skills

English (German) Lexicology

English (German) Stylistics  

English (German) Literature

Country studies

Foreign language teaching methodology

Introduction to linguistics

Educational psychology


History of Azerbaijan

Introduction to multiculturalism

Modern Azerbaijani language

Azerbaijani literature

Foreign languages ​​(German, French, Russian)

Information technologies in education

Civil defense and first aid

Business and academic communication in Azerbaijani

Various elective subjects