Faculty of English and German Languages

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor Naiba Elkhan Jamalzadeh

In 1998, she entered the German Language Faculty of the Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​and graduated with honors in 2002. In 2002, she was admitted to the Master's Program in Linguistics (specialization in German) at the Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​and graduated with honors in 2004. From 2004 to 2005, she was a full-time assistant at the Practical German Department of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, from 2005 to 2006, a full-time senior assistant, from 2006 to 2014, a full-time senior lecturer at the II Foreign Language Department of the Azerbaijan University of Languages.

From 2014 to 2018, she served as the senoir lecturer of the Foreign Languages ​​Department under the Philology Faculty of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, from 2018 to 2023 as the deputy chair of the same department, and from 21.11.2023 to 01.11.2024, she served as the head of the Foreign Languages ​​(currently European Languages) Department under the Philology Faculty.

She has been a member of the New Azerbaijan Party since 2006.

In 2007, she became a doctoral candidate at the Department of Modern German Language of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, in 2015 she defended her dissertation entitled “1996 German Orthography Reform and Problems of German Orthography” and on October 18, 2016 she received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, and on April 28, 2023 she received the title of Associate Professor.

Since 2021, she has been a part-time doctoral student at the Department of Phonetics and Grammar of the German Language in the specialty 5708.01-Germanic Languages ​​of the AUL, working on the topic “Functional-semantic modeling of simple and complex constructions in the German language”. She is the author of 27 scientific articles, theses, 2 textbooks, 2 dictionaries, and 1 program.

Naiba Jamalzadeh has repeatedly participated in international and local seminars, trainings and forums:

1. Methodological seminar "Creative writing in foreign language lessons" organized by DAAD in Baku 30.06. - 11.07. , 2008.

2. Methodological seminar organized by the Goethe Institute in Georgia 21-22 November 2009

3. Methodological seminar organized by the Goethe Institute in Dresden 02.06. - 30.06. 2009

4. "Intel-future education" course. 10.02. - 25.02. 2010

5. Methodological seminar organized by the Goethe Institute in Baku. 28.06. - 29.06. 2011

6. “Theoretical and practical seminar on dependency grammar” organized by Heidelberg University. 05.03.-05.05.2012

7. Scientific conference on “M.A.Sabir is a powerful representative of realistic poetry”

8. Scientific and practical conference on “Actual problems of teaching foreign languages”

9. Seminar on “National self-awareness in postmodernism”

10. Seminar on “Cultural ford in the era of postmodernism”

11. Advanced training course in the Pedagogical University of Freiburg, Germany, through DAAD. 01.11.2013-01.12.2013

12. "Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Prüfen, Testen, Begutachten" seminar organized by the Pedagogical Higher School in Baku 22.09.2014-26.09.2014

13. The conference entitled "Situation of the German language in Asian countries" was held at the Abay University of Kazakhstan under the auspices of the DAAD. October 4-8, 2016

14. C1 Prüfungsvorbereitung und Testanalyse via OEAD- line 11 February 2022

15. Current issues of modern science and practice conference, г. Chistopol.

16. Open Science Azerbaijan: promotion of the Open Science platform among young researchers 7 June 2022

17. Dokuz Eylul University, Foreign Language College,

“Problems of teaching German as a second language” at the 3rd International Conference 2022 ASU

18. DLL 5, 2022 (German Application of media tools in language teaching)

19. Participated in the training on "External Quality Assurance" organized by the Quality Assurance Agency in Education on 12.09.2023.

Her works include “Factors that led to reforms in German orthography”, “The essence and main categories of writing”, “A general view of the history of the formation of correct spelling rules in German”, “A general view of the history of writing, stages of development of its types”, “On the orthographic norm of the language”, “The emergence of phonographic writing”, “Types of writing and their classification”, “The role of the alphabet in the writing system of the language”, “Spelling as a writing norm of the language”, “On factors affecting the choice of the alphabet”, “On the question of the orthographic norm of the language”, “A theoretical analysis of orthographic rules”, “Unmotivated signs of writing”, “The problem of integrating loanwords into the German language”, “The attitude of the German spelling reform to the spelling of borrowed words”, “Hierarchical characteristics of syntactic relations in a sentence”, “Problems related to the spelling of loanwords in German orthography”, “Virtual sentence and properties of its expression in the structural syntax of the German language”, “The The articles and theses entitled “Fundamentals of diachronic and synchronic classification”, “Antinomy of structural and linear sequence of syntactic relations in a sentence”, “Characteristics of the features of German verb sentences in structural syntax”, “Hierarchical sentence structure in the dependency grammar model”, “The role of the theory of composition, dependence and valence in the syntactic structure of a sentence”, “Functional-semantic modeling of simple sentences in German” have been published in the republic and abroad, “Encyclopedia of Transliteration”, “Deutsch macht Spass” A1/ A2”, “Communication lexicon by lesson organization and stages (a concise dictionary in Azerbaijani, German, English, Russian, French)”, “Deutsche Grammatik (ein theoretisch-praktisches Übungsbuch) German grammar (theoretical-practical exercise book)”, and the subject program entitled Business and academic communication in a foreign language (German) have been published.