Bachelor' s program

History of the faculty

     The history of establishment of the faculty of Education dates back to the midst of the last century. Thus, as to the decision of the Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan SSR of December 10, 1947, an independent Institute of Foreign Languages was established in Baku city. When the Institute opened its doors to welcome students on September 1 of 1948 here only two faculties functioned: Faculties of English and German-French. Despite the fact that the faculty of the English language was established as an independent structure, it took its beginning in 1937, from the faculty of Foreign languages, which started its activity within the structure of API (Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute), because English teachers in the Republic for the first time began to be prepared in this faculty and before the Institute of Foreign languages was founded, hundreds of teachers of foreign languages were sent to the schools of the Republic. Among these alumnies there were such persons such as Rukhsara Gayibova, Ismikhan Rahimov, Nazim Gadimbeyov, Fuad Kazimov, Hajar Naghiyeva, Khadija Ahmadova, Muyasat Omarova and others who played important roles in the independent scientific-pedagogical life of the Institute, including the process of teaching foreign languages in the Republic. But after the establishment of an independent Institute of Foreign Languages a new stage in the preparation of teachers of foreign languages took up a new turn. In 1948/1949 teaching year 75 students (50 Azerbaijani sector, 25 Russian sector) entered the faculty and 140 students were transferred from API. The first Dean of the faculty, including 215 students (among them 137 azerbaijanians) was one of the graduates of the faculty of Foreign Languages of API Nazim Gadimbeyov, but soon after being invited to carry out a responsible job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was substituted by specialist of Foreign Language Mina Guliyeva. In the later years, Nigar Vazirova-Yeganova, Dora Abbasova, Lev Gushser, Said Baghirov, Muyasat Omarova executed the duty of the Dean of the faculty. But the chair-woman of the department of the English Language had been Rukhsara Gayibova by the time. In 1959 on April 14 in conformity with the execution of the decision “On regulation of the Set of Higher schools in Azerbaijan SSR”, adopted by the Azerbaijan CPCC and Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan SSR, Azerbaijan Minister of education issued an order in the May of the year “On joining Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign languages with the Institute of Russian language and literature named after M.F.Akhundov. In the newly founded Institute only two faculties operated: Russian Language and literature and European languages. The Dean of the second faculty, preparing the specialty of English teachers became Jafar Jafarov. But he executed this duty only one year. In March of 1960 he was substituted by Shamil Safiquliyev. By the order of the Minister of Higher Middle Speciality Education (HMSE) of February 7, 1968 the faculty of European Languages was separated into two: the faculties of the English language and German French languages. Until elections took place I.Rahimov was appointed the dean of the faculty. Soon after in 1968, April 22 Nana Shahmuradova was elected the Dean of the faculty. In the April of 1971 I.Rahimov again headed the faculty.

In 1969 by the initiative and recommendation of nation-wide leader Heydar Aliyev who was brought to the head of power, Azerbaijani Council of Ministers on November 4, 1972 adopted a decision on reestablishment of Azerbaijan Institute of Russian Language and Literature named after M.F.Akhundov and Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after 50 years of Formation of USSR. At the time, the biggest faculty was the faculty of the English language. As the faculty was transferred from the liquidated Institute temporarily Ismikhan Rahimov headed the faculty. In 1973 he was substituted by Fikrat Seyidov, who was appointed the Dean of the faculty. In 1979 Garay Yusifov was appointed the Dean of the faculty and in 1990 he was substituted by F.Orujov.

In 1990 social-political events, taking place in the Republic showed its impact in the life of the Institute as well. It showed itself more vividly in the changes made among the cadres and in the field of reestablishment of faculties, departments and branches. Change of rectors, vice-rectors, deans, chairs and head of the departments, reestablishment of faculties, departments and branches took up an ordinary process. Until 1990 faculty of the English language, being the only faculty preparing in the field of preparing specialists of the English Language, In 1991 December 17 by the order of the rector of the University it was separated into two faculties, the faculties of English-German, and English-French. The second faculty by the decision of the scientific Council of the Institute was renamed as English Language and Regional study, since 2001 it was called as “English Faculty No 1”. In 1991-2003 years the following persons such as Dunyamin Yunusov, Sevda Javadova, Natiq Yusifov, Malumat Nuraddinov were the deans of the faculty. In 2013 the name of the faculty, being changed, was renamed as Pedagogical faculty. In 2003-2014 professor Afgan Abdullayev headed the faculty.

During 70 years since its formation in this faculty thousands of specialists on English, German and French Languages were prepared, a number of national cadres having rich scientific creativity, possessing high talented, having his/her style in the development of the science of linguistics were brought up and educated. Among them the first correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences among the specialists of foreign languages were Zemfira Verdiyeva, the real member of ANAS, the State Laureate winner Aghamusa Akhundov, Gazanfar Pashayev, for the first time in the Republic, the person, having the deep scientific analysis of communicative aspects of the expression of thought of the literary character within the composition of national linguistics Mehpara Gayibova, Oruj Musayev  having put the foundation of comparative linguistics in the Republic, professors, having exclusive services in the development of science of linguistics such as Dunyamin Yunusov, Natiq Yusifov, Fikrat Seyidov, Sayadulla Babayev, Gulnar Huseynzadeh, Dilara Ismayilova, Masma Gaziyeva, Afgan Abdullayev, Farman Zeynalov, Azad Mammadov, Fikrat Jahangirov, Nigar Veliyeva, Leyla Jafarova, Arif Huseynov, Sevinj Zeynalova, honoured teachers Akif Bayramov, Balakhan Huseynov and others are the graduates of this faculty.

The faculty has turned to a leading structure in carrying out reforms. Thanks to the care and attention of the leadership of the University the substantial technical basis of the faculty of Education has still widened and strengthened. Different centers, laboratories, new departments have been created and all of which can be valued as the positive result of care and attention of the leadership of the University.

Important steps have been made for the preparation of students as worthy professionals. As a first step moral healthy atmosphere has been created, mutual respect in the teacher-student relations has been formulated; much work has been done in understanding rights and duties between the teachers and learners and in further strengthening the rules of regulation of self-control in the faculty.

Our Republic after accepting the Bologna declaration our university has been the first to support this process. Teaching plans and programs were renewed; the texts-books were substituted with the ones meeting the modern requirements. Among the students, parents, including the teachers too were enlightened on this new system, trainings, workshops devoted to new innovative teaching methods were held, new subject programs were prepared.

On August 28, 2014 by the order of Azerbaijan University of Languages, on the basis of former Pedagogical Faculty two faculties – Pedagogical faculty for English and German languages and Pedagogical for English and French languages were formulated. Between 2014-2017 years the Deans of the mentioned faculties became Doctor of philological sciences, professor Fikrat Jahangirov and ph.d., Associate professor Vafa Babayeva.

Related to the carried out structural changes the two faculties (for English and German and English and French languages) being united a new Faculty of Education was established (Order № 40 of March 31, 2017 of AUL). Between 2017-2019 years the Dean of the Faculty of Education was doctor of philological sciences, professor Fikrat Jahangirov.

Faculties of education 1 and education 2 were established at the Azerbaijan University of Languages on the basis of the Faculty of Education (Order № 78 of July 12, 2019 of AUL).

In 2019, the Faculties of Education 1 and Education 2 were established on the basis of the Faculty of Education.

As a continuation of the structural reforms carried out at AUL, the Faculty of English and German Languages ​​was established on the basis of the Faculty of Education 1 by order No. 69 dated July 11, 2024. The faculty is headed by Naiba Elkhan Jamalzade, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor (order - 1/477 – 01.11.2024).


The faculty trains students in the following specialties:

1. Foreign language teaching (English)

2. Foreign language teaching (German)

There are 4 departments operating under the Faculty of English and German Languages:

1. Department of English Lexicology;

2. Department of English Phonetics;

3. Department of German Lexicology and Stylistics;

4. Department of Civil Defense and Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge.

On October 1, 2010, a dual diploma agreement was signed between the University of Essex, Great Britain, and the Azerbaijan University of Languages.

According to the agreement, students who successfully complete the specified course of the Foreign Language Teaching (English) specialty of the AUL are given the opportunity to continue their education at the University of Essex, Great Britain. Thus, after studying at the faculty of Foreign Language Teaching (English) for 2 years, AUL students will continue their education for the remaining 2 years at the University of Essex, Great Britain, and receive diplomas from both universities (both the University of Essex and the Azerbaijan University of Languages).

According to the terms of the agreement, students who are to continue their education at the University of Essex must accumulate a minimum of 120 credits in accordance with the curriculum during the 2 years of their study at the AUL, and IELTS (or TOEFL) scores are also required of them. The minimum score for each of the following subjects must be C (71-80 points), and at least two must be B (81-90 points)

v  English Language Methodology I

v  English Language Methodology II

v  Introduction to Linguistics