The history of the Department
Lexicology and Stylistics of the German Language
Department of Lexicology and Stylistics of the German Language at the Faculty of Education 1 is one of the leading departments of the Azerbaijan Language University.
The history of independent and systematic teaching of foreign languages in Azerbaijan began during 1936-1937 with the establishment of 3 independent departments on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Pedagogical Institute. Thereafter, independent departments such as French, English and German were formed on the basis of Foreign Language Department.
Within 1942-1961, the Department of the German Language was headed by the associate professor N.Agazade, then by the senior lecturer J.Jafarov and by the associate professor A.Aliyeva, who defended her Ph.D thesis in Germany, associate professor S.Pepinova, afterwards by associate prof. B.Hasanov, prof. S.Abdullayev and prof. F.Veyselli.
It should be noted that apart from the above-mentioned well-known specialists, the experienced teachers, such as professor Z.Guliyev, associate professor Sh.Abdullayeva, associate professor T.Ahmadova, senior lecturer E.Muradova, senior lecturer G.Dadashova, senior lecturer Karpovich, senior lecturer O.Morozova, senior lecturer R.Babayeva, senior lecturer A.Sadigova, senior lecturer M. Javlalov, senior lecturer Z.Aliyev, senior lecturer F.Balamiyev, senior lecturer M.Tukanov also carried out their activities at this depatment.
After the establishment of the Institute of Foreign Languages in 1973 teaching of the German language entered a new stage of its development.
In 1994, three independent chairs – Lexicology and Stylistics of the German Language, Phonetics and History of the German Language and the Grammar of the German Language carried out their activities on the basis of the unique Chair of the German Language. The Chair of Lexicology and Stylistics of the German Language was headed within different years by professor S.Abdullayev, associate professor B.Hasanov and associate professor Ch.Gurbanov, associate professor S.Rzayeva, associate professor I.Karimov.
On September 27, 2012, based on the No. 100 of the Rector of AUL The chair of Lexicology and Stylistics of the German Language and the Chairs of Phonetics, Grammar and History of the German Language were liquidated and on their basis, the Chair of Modern German Language was established.
Reference to the order No: 103 on September 27, 2012 of the rector of the Azerbaijan University of Languages soon after the liquidation of the Chair of Lexicology and Stylistics of the German Language, the Chair of Phonetics, Grammar and History of the German Language was established on their basis the Chair of Modern German Language. On June 08, 2015, the Chair of Modern German Langauge was renamed to the Chair of German Language.
Reference to the order No: 1/290 of 08.08.2017 of academician K.Abdullayev, the rector of the university, two chairs were established on the basis of the Chair of German Language – the Chair of Lexicology and Stylistics of the German Language and the Chair of Phonetics and Grammar. Presently, this department is headed by S.A.Abdullayev, doctor of philology, professor.
Mission of the department
The main mission of the department is teaching the practical German language at high level, as well as to instill the principles of teaching methods of the German language to the students. In accordance with specific tasks, the teaching of both practical disciplines: Language skills, Academic writing and reading and the teaching of theoretical disciplines such as Lexicology of the German language, Stylistics of the German language, Regional studies at the undergraduate level, Research Methods, Language and culture, Discourse Analysis, Bases of Cognitive Linguistics, Semantic Analysis, Bases of Pragmatics at the master's level.
It should be emphasized that favorable conditions for the development and realization of students' scientific creativity have been created in the department, and work is being successfully carried out in the direction of identifying the most talented students and involving them in scientific activities.
The head of the department, Ph.D. in Philology, assoc. prof. Kh.S.Asgarova attend the lessons of the newly involved teachers regularly, provide them with required pieces of advice, including the scientific-methodological assistance.
Activity of the department
The chair organizes its activity along with studying the German language practically and by forming the knowledge and skills related to the base of teaching methods. The activity of the department is focused on the implementation of educational and methodological, research work, on improving professional achievements, as well as on the formation of professional competencies among students.
The activities of the department include the following areas:
· Organization of the meeting at the chair at least once a month according to the activity schedule confirmed by the rector;
· Conduction of section meetings at least twice a month, discussion of actual problems;
· Organizing the scientific reports in the meetings of the department in a regular manner;
· Organizing the workshops “Current issues of Germanistics”;
· Conducting broad discussion of the articles submitted to different scientific journals, theses for scientific conferences at the meetings of the department;
· Organizing discussions of manuals, textbooks and monographs at the chair;
· With aim of exchange of experience and finally organizing active discussion of these events Providing the attendance of the head of chair at the lessons of teachers, including the attendance of teachers at their lessons.
· Providing awareness of teachers of the teaching materials and teaching strategies in a regular manner;
· Fulfilment of works related to the activity of Germanic philology Institute which is organized at the university.
To improve the quality of German language teaching, specialists from universities in Germany, Austria and other countries are invited to the university. This plays an important role in establishing and developing relations between AUL and the educational system of foreign countries. Our teachers are in close contact with German universities, the Goethe Institute, take refresher courses and implement various projects.
It should be noted that the department in recent years has stepped up its activities in the field of preparation of educational, methodological and scientific materials. The staff of the department wrote and published a number of scientific articles, programs, textbooks, educational and methodical manuals, monographs.
In order to increase the scientific potential, the staff of the department actively participates in republican and international conferences, publishes articles in scientific and theoretical journals of our republic, as well as in the journals "Scientific News", "Language and Literature" and "Turkology" of our university.
From the staff of the department - Associate Professor Aslanova U. is a member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Education 1, senior teacher Akhmedova G. is a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Education 1 and the Subcommittee on open lessons.
№ |
Surname / Name |
Position, scientific degree |
Teaching hours |
1. |
Khuraman Salim Asgarova |
Head of the department, Ph.D. in Philology, |
0,5 |
2. |
Sarkhan Avaz Abdullayev |
consulting professor
3. |
Elkhan Gasham Yusifov |
Ph.D. in Philology, |
1 |
4. |
Ulduz Boyukkishi Aslanova |
Ph.D. in Philology, |
1 |
5. |
Gulanbar Maharlam Pirnazarova |
Ph.D. in Philology, |
1 |
6. |
Arzu Gadir Jabarova
Ph.D. in Philology, |
0,5 |
7. |
Sanubar Surkhay Zeynalova |
Ph.D. in Philology, |
1 |
8. |
Tahira Mammadaga Gozalova |
Senior Lecturer |
1 |
9. |
Gulbaniz Kamal Najafova |
Senior Lecturer |
0,5 |
10. |
Gulshan Vagif Ahmadova
Senior Lecturer |
1 |
11. |
Naila Ismikhan Huseynova
Senior Lecturer |
0,5 |
12. |
Sevinj Razim Mammadova |
Senior Lecturer |
0,5 |
13. |
Gulnar Ganimat Rahimli
Senior Teacher Assistant |
1 |
Subjects taught at the department
Bachelor degree
Basic subjects block:
№ |
Subjects |
1. |
Foreign language skills |
2. |
Stylistics of the German Language |
3. |
Lexicology of the German Language |
4. |
Regional studies |
5. |
Academic writing and reading |
Elective subjects block:
№ |
Subjects |
1. |
German as a home language |
2. |
German Political Language |
3. |
German Business Language |
4. |
German in a cross-cultural context |
5. |
German lexicon in thematic areas |
6. |
Interpretation of texts via reading and writting |
7. |
Figurative means in modern German |
8. |
Unequivalent vocabulary in German |
9. |
German via paralinguistic means |
10. |
System of realities in German |
On master degree
Basic subjects block:
№ |
Subjects |
1. |
Research Methods |
2. |
Language and Culture |
3. |
Discourse Analysis |
4. |
Semantic Analysis |
5. |
Bases of Pragmatics |
6. |
Bases of Cognitive Linguistics |
Elective subjects block:
№ |
Subjects |
1. |
Functional stylistic issues |
2. |
Topical issues of phraseology of the German language |
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