AUL held 300 anniversary of Molla Panah Vagif

On May 2, on the initiative of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature a roundtable dedicated to the 300th anniversary of famous poet of Azerbaijan and Turkic world Molla Panah Vagif was held at Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL).
Speaking at the opening teacher of the above-mentioned department, Associate Professor Aytaj Zeynalova spoke about the rich heritage, activities as public and political figure of M.P.Vagif. A.Zeynalova said that the event is organized in accordance with the decree of President Ilham Aliyev. Poet’s name has been included UNESCO’s " The remarkable events of the anniversaries of eminent persons for the years 2016-2017 ", said A.Zeynalova and informed about "Molla Panah Vagif year" in the member states of TURKSOY organization of this year .
237 group students of School of Philology and Journalism gave detailed information about the works which are true work of art, poet's life and work of the heart, attachments, ghazals (form of an Azerbaijani poem) at the round table. They also sounded the poet's "Bakh" ghazal , " Hayif ki yokhdur" poem.
The same group student Chicekh Mirzezadeh performed “Eyle" qoshma (form of an Azerbaijani poem), and his nazira (means response) written to "Bari Bakh" qoshma.