A meeting with students was held at AUL on "EcoChange" project

23 october, 2017

A meeting was held with the students of SABAH groups within the framework of the "EcoChange"  project, which was held jointly by the students of the "Development Program" program at the Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL), Orkhan Salmanov, Leyla Karimli and Ruslan Hashimzade. It should be noted that the EcoChange project was implemented under the "Development" program, "Camping Azerbaijan", "Green Baku" environmental organization, the Azerbaijan University of Languages and the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).

A member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Development" program, facilitator Namaz Karimov gave detailed information about the program. He said that the program, "Art as a tool for social development", is intended for young people living in Azerbaijan with the support of Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg, MitOst and the "Constitution" Research Foundation and with the support of the Federal Government of Germany. N.Karimov noted that young people who are actively involved in or actively involved in the community within the framework of the program to develop our community, to create positive social change or to stress any problems, have the necessary knowledge, skills and support. Undertake a volunteer project within the framework of the Development Program, gain knowledge and experience in project management, gain knowledge about civic engagement, and contribute to the development of arts through the participation of young people who are interested in volunteering and youth activity, creative or innovative approach. Social mobilization, expansion of the social sphere, and the creation of a network of peacemakers. He provided detailed information on the application and selection process.

Founder of Camping Azerbaijan, employee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Javid Kara spoke about the nature, human and tourism concepts, their mutual influence, and the ecological consequences created by these relations.

The event was followed by a contest called "One sentence shot". Participants will be provided with certificates and gifts for the winners to be sent to the organizers' mail addresses.

The video also featured reflecting environmental issues and people's ideas about the ecology.

The event ended with answering the questions of the students.