A presentation was held on "Dual diploma agreements with Azerbaijan University of Languages​"

22 may, 2017

On May 19, Knowledge assessment and monitoring center hosted a presentation to the students of the second year under the name "Double diploma agreements with Azerbaijan University of Languages "at Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL).

Speaking about the university's prestige in the international arena, director of the center Fatma Gurbanzadeh talked about the agreements signed in the history of the university.

Employees of the center  Aygun Rustemzadeh and Madina  Mammadova  spoke about the agreements signed with Essex University of Great Britain and  Strasbourg University  of France and noted  that  AUL has been collaborating  with Essex University of  Great Britain on dual diplomas projects (2+2) since 2010. This is the fisrt dual diploma project in the education history of Azerbaijan. The project manager is currently the acting rector of AUL, Professor Afgan Abdullayev. Under the agreement, the first two years of the curriculum of the University's English language teaching, taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is compatible with the curriculum of University of Essex. AUL's School of Education students after successfully completing the second course will be admitted the University of Essex by fulfilling the conditions specified. Students admitted to the University of Essex receive a bachelor's degree from both universities. Delocalization agreement between Azerbaijan University of Languages and the University of Strasbourg on a master's program in translation was signed in 2013. Under the agreement, the first year of AUL Simultaneous and Area Translation is aligned with the curriculum of University of Strasbourg, and the second year, the students are studying at the University of Strasbourg. The students who have completed the program are getting the diploma of the University of Strasbourg and master's degree of AUL. Azerbaijan University of Languages has been holding talks on cooperation with UK's Coventry University on dual diploma (3 + 1) project since 2016. This project is one of the projects of dual diploma bachelor's degree in Azerbaijan education. Under the agreement, the first two years of the curriculum of the University's English language teaching and English language and literature teaching, taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is compatible with the curriculum of Coventry University. After completion of the curriculum students receive a bachelor's degree from both universities.

 At the end of the presentation, Knowledge assessment and monitoring center staff answered students' questions.