The Academic Section
The Academic Section was created within Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR on 6 June 1973.
In 2006 the Registration Sector started operating within the Academic Section.
In 2013 the Centre for Quality Assurance was integrated to the Academic Section, and the Section started operating as the Department of Curriculum and Quality Assurance.
In 2016 four centres were created within the Department as a result of the structural changes:
- The Centre for Practice, Professional Development and Career,
- The Centre for The Students’ Admission and Students’ Registration,
- The Centre for Knowledge Assessment and Monitoring,
- The Centre for Quality Assurance and Work with the Graduates.
In September 2017 the Department was renamed anew and became the Academic Department which included the following sections:
- The Section of Students’ Admission and Students’ Registration,
- The Section of Practice, Professional Development and Career,
- The Section of Knowledge Assessment, Monitoring and Quality Assurance.
The key activities of the Academic Department together with its sections are as follows,
- Developing the main academic documents of the University – curriculums, curriculum and methodological recommendations for on-site training and the schedules of academic process; and providing the mutual relations among the sections of the University;
- Analyzing and generalizing the information on the management of the academic process, and preparing the appropriate decisions of the Rector’s office;
- Planning substantially the academic process and organizing it;
- Information provision of the monitoring system over the academic process in all the forms of education and the specialist training at the university;
- Improving continuously the normative-methodological documents related to the academic process;
- Planning and preparing the schedules of academic activities, examination sessions and the work of the State Attestation Commission;
- Developing the drafts of the Rector’s orders and instructions on academic process;
- Monitoring over the teachers’ and students’ academic discipline;
- Monitoring over the organization and course of the examination sessions, generalizing and analyzing their outcomes;
- Organizing and implementing the assessment of the ba and ma level students’ achievements irrespective of the form of specialization and education at the AUL;
- Monitoring over the assessment and checking the examination outcomes in coordination with dean’s offices and departments;
- Monitoring over the activities of the State Attestation Commissions, generalizing and analyzing the outcomes of the activities of the Commissions on the basis of the Chairmen’s reports;
- Preparing the estimates and other documents for the formation of the department staffs, monitoring over the norms of the education plans and academic loads of the teachers and departments, monitoring over the realization of the academic loads;
- Preparing competition announcements for the positions of the teachers whose election period has terminated, as well as for vacancies, and admitting the applications;
- Checking the departments and faculties for individual issues related to their academic and methodological activities, participating in the monitoring activities on the basis of the plan of the Rector’s office;
- Corresponding with citizens and offices on academic issues;
- Preparing the state statistics data;
- Organizing academic, on-sight training and pedagogical practice, concluding contracts with the on-site training bases on their organization, monitoring the course of the internships, admitting the reports on the internships;
- Conducting self-analysis and self-assessment at the AUL.
Head of the Academic Department
Shahmammadova Shafaq Ismayil gyzy
Address: Rashid Behbudov 134, Main building, Floor 2
Tel: (+99412) 440-64-82
E-mail: [email protected]