The final reporting conference of the project "Establishment of Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan" was held.

04 july, 2024

The final reporting conference of the project "Establishment of Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan"  coordinated by Baku Business University, was held. The conference started with the singing of the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Rector of Baku Business University Prof. Ibad Abbasov made an opening speech. The Rector emphasized, that from 2020 the project started to operate with the participation of sixteen local higher education institutions with the right of deciding vote, and by 2024 this number reaches twenty one.

The primary goal of the project was to develop cooperation between higher education institutions of Azerbaijan.

Advisor to the Minister of Science and Education Nijat Mammadli, Director of the State Agency for Science and Education Ulqar Sattarova, Vice-Rector for International Relations of Baku Business University Eshgin Bayramov, Director of Cooperation Department of the University of Industry Gulshan Bayramova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Observatory for Labor Market and Social Protection Elnur Safarli and foreign partners gave their speeches.

The final conference was attended by Azerbaijan University of Languages Vice-Rector for Academic Work Kifayat Hajiyeva, Vice-Rector for International Relations Jalya Garibova, Head of Science Department Sevda Imanova and Project Manager, Senior Lecturer of Regional Studies Department Beyim Abdulla.