Book by Turkic scholar Elchin Ibragimov published in Uzbekistan

The book "Unified alphabet, orthography and communication language of Turkic peoples" by Elchin Ibrahimov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, associate professor, head of the Center for Turkic World Studies at Azerbaijan University of Languages, has been published in Uzbekistan.
The monograph, intended for Turkologists, linguists, bachelors, masters and doctoral students of the Faculty of Philology, was recommended for publication by the meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council No. 9 of October 23, 2023, the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi and the Center for Improvement of the State Language under the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.
The book explores the works carried out in the direction of reforming the alphabet of Turkic peoples, the processes taking place from the beginning of the XX century to the present day. Problems of alphabet and orthography in scientific-theoretical aspect, aimed at the formation of a common language of communication between the Turks were investigated. The work reflects such issues as determining the ways of transition of Turkic peoples to a single and common alphabet, reactualization of spelling issues for a common language of communication. This study, published at a time of strengthening political, economic and cultural ties between Turkish states, is extremely important from the point of view of clear disclosure of problems and perspectives.
The scientific editor and author of the foreword to the book is Dr. Inamjan Azimov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, and the translator is the Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor F. Bobojonov.