A book, dedicated to the works of Kamal Abdulla, has been published in Turkey
A new book titled "Psikanalitik, Arketipsel ve Postmodern Göstergeler Çerçevesinde Kamal Abdullanın Romanları", describing the works of the national writer, academician Kamal Abdulla, has been published.
The book emerged as an extension of the doctoral dissertation "Structure, Theme and Theme in the Novels of Kamal Abdulla" written by Fatih Keskin, under the supervision of Figen Guner Dilek, Professor of the Department of Modern Turkic Dialects and Literature at Hacı Bayram Veli University in Turkey.
Author Fatih Keskin draws on contemporary literary-theoretical thought, such teachings as Sufism, Buddhism, Freudianism, Jungianism, and most importantly, his sense of words and art, and systematically delves into the intricacies of Kamal Abdulla's novels and works and puts forward compelling ideas.
The new edition, available to readers on various e-book selling sites, presents the following thoughts of academician Mukhtar Imanov: "Kamal Abdulla's novels (works of fiction in general) pose questions with different answers and stimulate the reader to think. The writer who avoids absolute truth and writes scenes of 'multiple truths' creates an opportunity for the reader to find his own truth or truths in these scenes. Fatih Keskin is not an ordinary reader, but a reader who does serious research.
There is no doubt that Fatih Keskin's monograph based on the structure, themes and ideas of Kamala Abdulla's novels, created at the cost of great effort and talent, will be welcomed by the literary community with interest."
Fatih Keskin noted, that in his works, translated into various world languages, Kamal Abdulla successfully applied both deep layers of Turkish culture and modern literary trends. Thus, after Azerbaijan gained independence from the Soviet Union, Kamal Abdulla is the author who will be shown as an example in determining the direction of modern Azerbaijani literature, tending to postmodernism. One of the main reasons for the inclusion of Kamal Abdulla's works in the novel genre in this study is the opportunity to draw important conclusions about the current stage of development of Azerbaijani literature by analyzing his novels. In addition, one of the purposes of this study related to Kamal Abdulla is to provide some basic information to literary historians who will conduct research within the framework of scientific criteria of the development of Azerbaijani literature.
Further, the scholar said, that given that the texts under study are written on the basis of receptive aesthetics and multidisciplinary method, in addition to traditional methods of analysis, postmodern theory was also used in the analysis. Moreover, in order to analyze the novels in more depth and to better understand the semiotic signs in the text, methods from various fields such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, phenomenology, semiotics, mythology, theology and history, in addition to literature, have been used.
It should be noted, that the book has been published by «Kutlu Academic Research Publications».