A festive event on the occasion of Solidarity Day and New Year was held at AUL

A festive event was held at the Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL) on December 28 on the occasion of December 31 - World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year.
AUL rector, academician, national writer Kamal Abdulla, congratulated students and staff on the holiday. Then the rector addressed the participants with wishes: "Dear students and teachers! I wish you and your families good health, happiness, great success in work and study. I wish our students to successfully, proudly graduate from the university, and wherever they are in their future activities, always worthily represent our Motherland. I wish peace, light, beauty, and I hope, all of you will be worthy children of our people, state, President".
The event continued with the artistic part. University students performed poems and music in different languages, demonstrated dances. Also, a skit based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" was shown with the participation of students.