Ulu Öndər Heydər Əliyevin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunur.
Fikrat Jahangirov, professor
Azerbaijan University of Languages
As it is known one of the main directions in the foreign political activity of Azerbaijan Republic occupies development of mutually-fruitful cooperation with the Ukraine.
Commonness of historical fates found their expression in literature as well speaking on mutual literary relations between the Ukraine and Azerbaijan. It is necessary to note the services of the Ukrainian writer of the XIX century N.I.Gulak, who translated the works of M.F.Akhundov, Mahammad Fizuli and Nizami Ganjavi into the Ukrainian language from the original.
In their turn by the Azerbaijani writers (S.Vurghun, S.Rustam, R.Rza, M.Dilbazi) the selected works of Taras Shevchenko, Ivana Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, Pavlo Tychyna, Maxym Rylsky and many other Ukrainian poets and writers were translated into the native Azerbaijani language and were published in the Republic by numerous number.
Azerbaijani-Ukrainian links at the modern stage have acquired an important role both in the field of policy and economy of both states.
Practically, immediately after the collapse of USSR and after gaining complete independence on February 6, 1992 protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ukraine was signed. By the establishment of diplomatic relations, development of all-rounded relations between the two countries started.
Important stage in the development of Azerbaijani-Ukrainian relations started with the official visit of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic H.A.Aliyev to the Ukraine, which took part on March 24-25, 1997. As a result of talks on top level 17 agreements were signed by the both parties.
In the process of this meeting Heydar Aliyev was awarded with the highest reward of Ukraine the order of Yaroslav Mudrey.
Among the prominent issues in the relations between Azerbaijan and the Ukraine, occupies the visit of the President of the Ukraine L.D.Kuchma to Azerbaijan, which took place on March 16-17, 2000. As a result of talks on the top level, a number of important treaties and agreements were signed.
During the last decades humanitarian ties between Azerbaijan and the Ukraine widened and increased a great deal. Cooperation in this field remains as one of the most important factors for mutual understanding, confidence, and strengthening international ties between the two countries. To achieve these goals necessary legal basis was established in the field of science, education, health care, culture, tourism and in many spheres for the development of bilateral relations of cooperation.
Among the main documents on the Azerbaijani-Ukraine cooperation in the field of science and education, it is necessary to mention on “The agreement between the Minister of education of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Minister of education of the Ukrainian Republic on the cooperation in the field of education” and “on the scientific-technical cooperation” signed on march 24, 1997 and also “on the mutual admission of equivalency of the documents on education and on scientific titles” on March 2000.
One of the notable events in the field of cooperation between Ukraine and Azerbaijan was holding international scientific-practical conference on the theme “Azerbaijan-Ukraine: perspectives of development of strategic partnership” dedicated to the jubilee of the President of Azerbaijan in Kiev, in the Institute of International Relations of Kiev National University named after T.G.Shevchenko, on April 15, 2003. In this international forum, organized by the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan leading scientific specialists made reports on the actual themes. Then protocol on intentions between Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including the treaty on the cooperation between Baku State University and Dnipropetrovsk National University were signed [Бакинский рабочий, 2003, 17 апреля].
During the last years cooperation between the both countries in the field of education improved a great deal so in Baku Slavic University, beginning with 1999 prepare specialists on “Ukrainian Study”. With the purpose of getting Azerbaijani citizens acquainted with the Ukrainian language, literature and culture, at BSU “Centre of Ukrainian Culture” and Sunday school were established.
Direct ties among separately taken Higher Educational Institutions of the two countries were established. Beginning with 2001, sending of students for getting education in Kiev “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” was organized. 10 students of Baku Slavic University since 2001 continue getting education in the Institute of Political and Social Sciences named after Heydar Aliyev, functioning in the capital of the Ukraine, on different specialties [Аббасов, 2002, 9].
In its turn, in Kiev State University, since 2002/2003 school year, in the faculty of oriental study, preparation of specialists on the Azerbaijani language and literature has started. Proper assistant is rendered to KSU on these issues by the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan [Аббасов, 2002, 9].
Great place in the Azerbaijani-Ukrainian humanitarian ties, occupies cultural links. So, at present in Kiev and in Kharkov cities centers of Azerbaijan culture is functioning. Tour of creative collectives of the both countries and their participation in international music festivals became regular. It is necessary to note specially the fact of holding the days of Azerbaijani culture in the Ukraine in May of 2001 and days of culture of Azerbaijan in May of 2002 which were great successes.
Relations in the fields of culture and education between the Ukraine and Azerbaijan established by the Nation-wide leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, today is successfully pursued by his worthy follower, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
1. Аббасов А. Азербайджан и Украина сохранили тенденцию к взаимодополняемости экономик//Caspian Energy, 2002, 3, c. 9.
2. Алиев Т. М. Азербайджано- украинское сотрудничество: современный этап развития// Автореф. Дисс. Канд. Полит. Наук. Баку, 2004.
3. Бакинский рабочий, 2003, 17 апреля.
Heydər Əliyevin mədəniyyət və təhsil sahəsində Azərbaycan-Ukrayna münasibətlərinin inkişafındakı rolu
Mədəniyyət və təhsil sahəsində Azərbaycan -Ukrayna münasibətlərinin inkişafında ulu öndər Heydər Əliyevin rolu bu tezisdə ətraflı təhlil olunmuşdur. Tezisin yekun nəticəsi kimi qeyd edilir ki, Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyev tərəfindən əsası qoyulmuş Azərbaycan – Ukrayna münasibətləri bu gün Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti İlham Əliyev tərəfindən uğurla davam etdirilir.
Роль Гейдара Алиева в развитии азербайджано-украинских отношений в областях культуры и образования.
В тезисе была подробно проанализирована роль великого лидера Гейдара Алиева в развитии азербайджано-украинских отношений в сфере культуры и образования. Таким образом, подводя итог тезиса нужно отметить, что азербайджано - украинские отношения, основа которой была заложена общенациональным лидером Гейдаром Алиевым, и сегодня успешно продолжается Президентом Азербайджанской Республики Ильхамом Алиевым.