The problem of deportation of peoples of the world was discussed on the example of Azerbaijanis

International conference "The problem of deportation of peoples in the world on the example of Azerbaijanis: current state and problems" was held with the organization of Baku Club of political scientists, press service of international information agency "News" and organizational support of Azerbaijan University of Languages
AZERTAG reports that the event was attended by representatives of diplomatic corps in Azerbaijan from Turkey, European Union, USA, Israel, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Morocco, as well as local experts on France and Israel.
The event included an exchange of views on the fourfold deportation of Azerbaijanis from the territory of present-day Armenia during the last century.
Head of the Baku Club of Political Scientists Zaur Mammadov, who opened the conference with an introductory speech, noted that the deportation of peoples is one of the hardest pages in history.
Unfortunately, Azerbaijanis have not escaped this problem and have been subjected to deportation many times in recent times.
Rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, academician Kamal Abdulla welcomed the guests and spoke about tolerant attitude towards all nations in our country, and noted that deportation is one of the most tragic pages of the world history.
After introductory speeches, a video about deportations and massacres suffered by Azerbaijanis during the last century was screened.
After the event the French expert Maxime Gauen, a researcher at the Institute of Development and Diplomacy and co-faculty at ADA University, talked about his research on the deportations of Azerbaijanis in 1918-1920 and the ethnic cleansing policy of Armenian nationalists against Azerbaijanis.
Israeli expert Michael Finkel, who participated in the online format, touched upon legal issues related to deportation and provided information about this crime against humanity.
Stories of people facing deportation were heard at the event.
Spokesperson of West Azerbaijan Community, head of "Novosti" international news agency and member of Baku Political Scientists Club Ulviya Zulfigar, Azerbaijani lawyer living in France Zaur Sadigbeyli, chief editor of "Yeni Azerbaijan" newspaper Algish Musayev drew attention of the representatives of diplomatic corps to the days of their deportation.
In conclusion, Zaur Mammadov thanked the representatives of the diplomatic corps for taking the time to attend the meeting.