Head of Administration at the Ministry of Education at AUL

On May 16, the next visitor was the Head of Administration of Azerbaijani Education Ministry Fariz Rzayev within the project "VIP visitors and scientific interests" on the initiative of the Student Diplomats Club (SDC) operating within Student Youth Organization (SYO) at Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL).
In his opening speech, the acting rector of AUL, Professor Afgan Abdullayev presented the visitor to the students and expressed his pleasure of seeing him at the university. The project realized by the students is supported by the university administration and highly appreciated.
Head of Administration of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan F. Rzayev greeted the students and expressed his pleasure to meet with them. He highly appreciated the activity of SYO and SDC and noted the importance of such events.
Speaking about "The role of education in the development strategy of Azerbaijan” F. Rzayev spoke about innovations in the education strategy. He noted the importance of non limiting of teaching in the school and university level and students should develop themselves. Speaking about the benefits of reading books F. Rzayev said that a lot of skills are developing during reading the book.
Then, talking about the books that he read, F.Rzayev informed the students about them.
In his speech, Professor A.Abdullayev said the lecture was interesting and expressed confidence that the students got useful information from this lecture. "If burning books is a crime, it is a greater crime not reading " A.Abdullayev said and advised students to read all the time.
The meeting ended with answering students' questions.