AUL held an event called "December 1 - World Day of Struggle against AIDS"
16 december, 2016
On December 15, 2015 on the initiative of the senior lecturer of the Department of Civil Defense, the basis of medical knowledge and physical culture Sedaget Musayeva, an event was held under the title "December 1 - World Day of Struggle against AIDS" at Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL).
The event was attended by vice-rector of AUL for Educational Affairs, Professor Aladdin Aliyev, doctor of Struggle against AIDS Sayyara Nadirova, Head of legal Education Office of the Ombudsman Muqaliv Mahmudov, as well as university students.
The event was attended by vice-rector of AUL for Educational Affairs, Professor Aladdin Aliyev and he shared his thoughts about the event and noted that it is estimable to hold such informative events. He recommended students regularly to be examined, to control their health, to take care of themselves.
Providing information about the formation history of AIDS Sedaget Musayeva noted with sense of sorrow that today medicine can’t find any turning point in the treatment of the disease such as HIV and AIDS. She expressed her deep gratitude to the university leadership for organizing the event. Noting that informative events are held in order to prevent HIV and AIDS the head of legal Education Office of the Ombudsman Muqaliv Mahmudov stressed that holding of such events in this directions is estimable and it is the result of the care of students health.
Doctor of Struggle against AIDS Sayyara Nadirova noted that the spread of disease in Azerbaijan, as well as in other countries is one of the actual problems. She brought the attention how to protect from this disease in limited ways, advised students to take blood examinations of the center.
A scene from the play “The game of Fortune”, that hero was infected to the AIDS and abused drug and the script belongs to Sedaget Musayeva was presented. At the same time the students performed on this topic.
At the end brochures reflecting the topic were distributed among the students. head of the Department of Civil Defense, the basis of medical knowledge and physical culture, associate professor Sevda Zamanova, Acting vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Vazeh Asgarov, doctor of the Republican AIDS Center Dilshad Mahmudova, psychologist of Regional Center of psychology,Mehriban Gafarova, a specialist in Public Relations Center for Public Health and Reforms Saadat Hanfaeva, Head of the Ombudsman Yegana Jafarova, the chairman of the Management Board of the Public Association support science and education Miralekber Seyidov, a member of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Azer Israfilli, as well as university students. Sedaget Musayeva expressed her gratitude to the leadership of the University for the conditions created for the organization of the event. After telling about the history of AIDS, Sedaget Musayeva noted with regret that despite the fact that modern medicine has made great strides, still has not been found effective treatment for AIDS and HIV.
Then, a video clip was shown from a survey conducted among the students on the topic.
The doctor of the Republican AIDS Center Dilshad Mahmudova reported that, as in other countries, AIDS is also widespread in Azerbaijan, is urgent problem. She brought to the attention of the way of protection against the virus, and advised students to be examined by a volunteer brigade center at the university.
Noting that in order to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS around the world educational activities are carried out, Head of the Ombudsman Yegana Jafarova stressed that she considers worthy of respect for the fact that the universities carried out traditional activities in this area, and noted that this is the result of attention care and higher education about the health of their students.
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A scene from a work "Lost Life", author of the script which is Sedaget Musayeva was shown in the event. Instructive stories of the scene told us about the lives of two young people who were infected with AIDS.
She was followed by Professor Aladdin Aliyev, Doctor Vazeh Asgarov, associate professor Sevda Zamanova, who expressed their opinion about the event and stressed that such a kind of educational activities of this actual problem is praiseworthy.
At the end of the event specialist of the Public Relations Center of Public Health and Reform Saadat Hanfaeva advised students to undergo periodic examinations and keep control of their health.