The opening ceremony of CLS (Critical Language Scholarship) Program was held at AUL

On June 8, the opening ceremony of CLS (Critical Language Scholarship) Program, a joint project of AUL and the US State Department American Board was held on the initiative of Vice-rector for International Affairs, Associate professor Jala Garibova . The rector, Academician Kamal Abdulla, Vice-rector for the International Relations, Associate Professor J.Garibova, US Embassy Cultural and Educational Affairs Officer Amy Petersen, American Consulate, the director Jody Blackenship, as well as teachers training Azerbaijani language for students attended the opening ceremony.
At first, J.Garibova expressed her joy over their visit and said that American students within 8 weeks would be more familiar with the culture of Azerbaijani people, the history, and they will visit various historical monuments of Baku and the regions. The above-mentioned program is intended for 8 American students to learn the language and culture of Azerbaijan for a period of 8 weeks, J.Garibova said and thanked the US Embassy and the US Consulate employees for their support in the implementation of the program.
Later, Kamal Abdulla welcomed American students and was pleased to see them at AUL. In 2003, I delivered lectures on “Eurasians and its historical perspectives" in the United States at Columbia University,and had nice impressions about history and culture of the United States, he added. By the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev the year 2016 was declared "Multiculturalism" Year in the Republic of Azerbaijan, K.Abdulla noted and added that Azerbaijan’s multicultural values and atmosphere are important aspect of its development. He said that American students would be witnessing the unification of East and West, by acquiring the Azerbaijani language they will more closely learn the spiritual and multicultural values, history and psychology of our country. He reminded the expression of American scholar Noel Chomsky "Language doesn’t consist of only the structure".
The US embassy employee Amy Petersen said all conditions were created for mastering the Azerbaijani language. To understand the diversity is possible through the language, A. Petersen said and wished success to students.
In the end, K.Abdulla said that students will be supported under the program and all the conditions will be created for mastering our language, and wished them success.