AUL was represented at the XI Azerbaijan International Education Fair

The opening ceremony of the 11th Azerbaijan International Education Fair (Education 2017) was held at the Baku Expo Center on October 6 with the official support of the Ministry of Education. Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL) has been widely represented at the exhibition organized under the slogan "Human capital is our wealth".
The opening ceremony was attended by Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov, heads of higher and secondary vocational education institutions and representatives of various educational institutions.
Education Minister Mikail Jabbarov welcomed the participants and said that the exhibition, under the slogan "Human capital is our wealth", presents new projects and existing educational opportunities implemented by the Ministry of Education in recent years. The minister noted that the exhibition gave visitors an opportunity to look more closely at the changes in the education system, to get acquainted with the innovative projects of starters and to observe the common spectrum of cooperation with foreign universities.
Then the stands were examined. Minister of Education Mikail Jabbarov got acquainted with the stand of AUL. The Minister was informed about the international centers operating in AUL, cooperation with foreign universities and educational opportunities abroad.
It should be noted that within the framework of the exhibition visitors are offered bachelor degree, magistracy, including foreign language courses, internships and training programs. Visitors get the opportunity to get answers to their questions about admissions, education fees and other issues.
AUL representatives also provided detailed information about the university to exhibitors and visitors. Rena Suleymanli and Mehman Huseynli, students of the Faculty of Education at AUL, say they have answered many questions during the day. According to R. Sulaymanov, there are many people interested in the exhibition. There are students, teachers, applicants, university graduates, and even foreigners. What languages are taught in AUL and rules for applying to foreign programs are the most commonly asked questions.