Azerbaijan University of Languages is pleased to announce the I International Conference
I International scientific-online conference on CURRENT ISSUES IN LINGUO-CULTUROLOGY – REALITIES & PERSPECTIVES will be organized by Azerbaijan University of Languages on June 17, 2022.
The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers around the globe who want to present on-going or completed research results in the broad area of Linguo-culturology. This conference will feature an online plenary and individual sessions which address a wide range of topics within the fields.
The online conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Linguo-Cultural Studies.
In addition, we invite all scholars from around the world to submit an abstract on one of the following themes or another relevant topic:
The virtual conference will cover the following topics:
- Language and Culture in the context of various Linguistic paradigms;
- Language Varieties and Diversity;
- Diversity and Social/Linguistic Equality in Language;
- Interdisciplinary interaction in the aspect of Linguoculturology;
- Comparative study of languages and cultures;
- Linguo-cultural aspects of foreign Language Teaching/Learning;
- Traditions and innovations in teaching foreign languages and cultures;
- Developing Cultural Content Knowledge in Teacher Education;
- Linguo-cultural aspects of intercultural communication and translation;
- Translation problems at the intersection of interdisciplinary researches in cognitive and cultural studies;
- Modern problems of linguo-culturology in the context of globalization;
- Languages and cultures. Cultural-linguistic and ethno-cultural self-awareness;
- Linguistic diversity in multicultural society;
- Literature, Translation and interpretation of a text;
- Linguo-folklore traditions of the peoplescultures of the world. Ethno-cultural features of folklore vocabulary;
- Linguistic world picture and interaction of language and culture;
- Influence of Media on Linguo-cultural competence of students;
- Relationship between language, society and culture. Influence of socio-political factors on the development of language and culture;
Rules of procedure.
Rules of the conference - plenary reports (20 min), report in the section (15 min), questions/discussions (5 min).
We are pleased to invite you to the virtual conference. We look forward to your confirmed presence at this conference.
Working languages of the conference: Azerbaijani, English, and Russian.
Authors of abstracts are not required to pay submission or publication fees of any kind, a collection of abstractsmaterials is published in PDF format. Further the Call for Papers will be announced for publication of full research papers in Journal.
Abstracts sent to the conference, tested in the anti-plagiarism system and approved by the organizing committee will be published.
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 June, 2022
Abstract Requirements
Name, patronymic and surname of author(s) - 12 pt., bold, (on the right page, top)
Name of institution – 12 pt., bold type;
Name of abstract – 14 pt., bold, in the centre;
Abstracts must not exceed 350-500 words (excluding title, information about authors and keywords), A4 format, pages are not numbered;
Keywords (3-5 words, in the language of abstract) – 12 pt., bold;
Abstracts- Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 12pt;
Layout margins: top – 3 cm. bottom – 2 cm. left – 2 cm. right – 2 cm. line space- 1,5
Footnotes should appear in square brackets: Example: [1] or [1, p.119].
Electronic variant of abstract must be supplied.
Participant should fill in the registration blank attached to the file and send to the email address. The conference will be held via Zoom. The link will be sent to the email addresses of the participants.
Abstracts not relevant to the topic and requirements are not accepted and authors are not informed.
Contact of organizing committee: Tel: + 994 50 776 42 18
E-mail [email protected]
I International Scientific-online Conference:
Conference Sections
I SECTION Interdisciplinary interaction in the Aspect of Linguo-culturology
II SECTION Linguo-cultural Aspects of Foreign Language Teaching
III SECTION Modern problems of linguo-culturology in the context of globalization;
IV SECTION Linguo-cultural aspects/problems intercultural communication and translation
V SECTION Language and Culture in the context of various linguistic paradigms
Name, surname of participant, academic degree, scientific title |
The institution, the city he/she represents. |
Contact number, email address |