The position consultant- professor was instituted at Azerbaijan University of Languages

27 february, 2017


The position consultant- professor was instituted at Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL). Regulation on "Consultant-professor position at Azerbaijan University of Languages” was adopted at the University's Scientific Council meeting held on February 17, 2017. The regulation was prepared for the aim to take advantage of the experience of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff, professors (associate professors) in AUL's scientific and educational process, to ensure continuity in the educational and scientific processes and prepare scientific-pedagogical personnel of quality. The consultant –professors are involved to prepare scientific personnel as a leader to the scientific researchers at AUL, lead master's dissertations, scientific leading and advice to candidates and dissertates, preparation of manuals, textbooks and other teaching materials. The consultant –professors who can deliver limited-hour lectures can be entitled persons who are professors or associate professors, the old-age pension, not less than 35 years of scientific experience, as a professor for 10 years, and associate professor for 20 years at AUL , leading to a scientific school or scientific direction, a member of specialized councils for the defending of dissertations, participating in various forms of scientific expertise and other achievements in the field of teaching. The consultant- professor is appointed by the order of the rector and a necessary condition is the person holding this position to participate in the preparation of article or book (textbooks, monographs) at least once a year, guiding the masters, dissertates and candidates and providing scientific advice and other achievements in the field of teaching.