Demonstration of Indian National Costumes was Held at AUL

16 november, 2017
On November 16, the demonstration of Indian national costumes was held at the foyer of Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​(AUL). The representative of the Indian Embassy, Norbu Negi, expressed his pleasure from being at AUL. Highly appreciating this show, organized by the Center of the Hindi Language and Culture of the University, N.Negi expressed his gratitude for the organization of such kind of entertainment and encouraging event. Much information was given about the Indian style of clothing, their types of national costumes and the symbolic meanings of the accessories they use. The clothes were demonstrated by the students specializing in Indian Studies at the Faculty of International Relations and Management. The guests watched the folk dances performed by Sayida Mirzoyeva,the  head of the Center of the Hindi Language and Culture, and students specializing  in Indian Studies. Rector of AUL, Full member of ANAS, Honored scientist Kamal Abdulla said “love for India has always been in the hearts of our people.” Speaking about the performed dances, reviewing the show of the costumes, the rector said that the event led the guests to get acquainted with the great cultural heritage of India. Mr.K. Abdulla thanked all who had contributed to the organization of the event, and said “the event gained love and affection of the students specializing in the Indian language and culture, as well as of those who specialize in the languages of other countries.”