We would like to invite you to take part in the V International teacher-student Scientific and Practical conference for professors and students “Major aspects of modern pedagogy: creativity, expertise, professionalism”.
The purpose are to expand scientific information exchange between leading specialists of educational institutions in the field of modern pedagogy, to study and generalize modern aspects of modernization of science based on innovative technologies, as well as to attract talented practicing teachers and professors to scientific research work.
Certificate of registration in UkrISTEI No. 373 dated 18.09.2023.
Scientists and teachers, managers, methodologists, students, community representatives, practical psychologists are invited for participation.
Conference working languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish.
Form of participation: in person and long-distance, correspondent.
Conference Sections:
1. Psychology and pedagogy of higher education: current issues.
2. Modernization of innovative methods and technologies in educational institutions.
3. Research of linguistics and linguistic didactics at the modern stage.
4. Physical education and sports in the context of modern education.
5. Actual issues of computer science teaching in educational institutions.
6. Sciences of education in the information society.
7. Modern prospects for the development of specialized scientific education.
According to the results of the conference the programme and the collection of materials in electronic format will be placed on the site of Regional College “Kremenchuk Anton Makarenko Humanitarian and Technological Academy” of the Poltava Regional Council: kpk.edu.ua in 10 days after the conference.
Participants will have the opportunity to present conference materials and receive a certificate as confirmation of participation in the International Conference.
Conditions for participation in the conference:
Up to the March 10, 2024 fill the application form for participation in the conference (attach theses and a scanned (photographed) receipt for payment): https://forms.gle/92bzBEtu4CR61k657
The registration fee is 250 UAH to cover the costs associated with the materials in collection in a volume of 5 pages, the certificate of the participant of the conference (12 hours). If the volume of theses exceeds this number, then each subsequent page is paid additionally in the amount of 50 UAH.
Conference thesis will be indexed in Google Scholar, and the collection of conference materials will get DOI index.
The cost of participation of a conference with the participant certificate without publication of theses is 100 UAH. (6 hours).
Advantages of participation in the international conference:
- fulfillment of Point 12 of Article 38 of the Licensing Conditions for Conducting Educational Activities https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1187-2015-%D0%BF#Text;
- thesis languages are Ukrainian, English, Polish and the publication of materials in a collection of theoretical publications in the author's edition;
- quick consideration of the materials to be included in the collection;
- an opportunity to receive a personal certificate of a participant in the international conference of 12 hours /0,4 credit ECTS or 6 hours/0,2 credit ECTS.
The conference certificate can be considered a document that confirms participation in the work of a scientific conference in the country that is the part of the OECD and/or the EU!
Requirements for thesis design
1. The material must be designed and structures according to the requirements.
2. Volume – 5 or more pages, page format А4 (297х210 мм), page orientation – portrait.
3. Margins - 20 mm.
4. Font - Times New Roman, Font size – 14, line spacing – 1,5.
5. Sequence of placement of materials:
– section number and title,
– name and SURNAME of the author (s) (font - semi-bold italics);
– degree, academic status, job or (for students): year of studying, group, educational establishment, city (font – italics); information about the scientific supervisor;
– THE TITLE OF THE THESIS (capital lettere, font – semi-bold);
– the text of the thesis (formatting width to the left - 10 мм, do not number pages);
– LIST OF REFERENCES is after the text of the thesis in 1 interval.
References in the text are indicated by square brackets indicating the serial number of the source according list and through comma – page number, e.g.: [5, p. 57].
References should be designed according to SSU 8302:2015. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE. General regulations and rules of assembling.
You are welcome to Regional College, Kremenchug Humanitarian and Technological Academy named after A.S. Makarenko'' of the Poltava Regional Council
Address: Valentyna Fedko Str, 33, Kremenchuk, Poltava Region 39623
Contact telephone numbers: (0536)75-84-70
E-mail: [email protected] – organizing committee of Regional College, Kremenchug Humanitarian and Technological Academy named after A.S. Makarenko'' of the Poltava Regional Council
Example of thesis design
Section 2. Modernization of innovative methods and technologies in educational institutions.
Tetyana KUSHNIR,
student of the first (bachelor) level of higher education
of Regional College, Kremenchug Humanitarian and Technological Academy
named after A.S. Makarenko'' of the Poltava Regional Council
Kremenchuk, Ukraine
Scientific supervisor: Tetyana KRYLOVA,
senior teacher of the department of pedagogy and psychology
of primary education
of Regional College, Kremenchug Humanitarian and Technological Academy
named after A.S. Makarenko'' of the Poltava Regional Council
Kremenchuk, Ukraine
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