Анар Рагимов написал письмо декану университета Ибн Зохра в Марокко об армянском терроризме
Преподаватель норвежского языка в Азербайджанском университете языков Анар Рагимов направил письмо декану университета Ибн Зохра в Марокко профессору Адилу Аль Мадхие об армянском терроризме, оккупированных территориях Азербайджана и реалиях Карабаха. Представляем это письмо.
"Dear Adil,
I hope you are doing well.
As you may now, nowdays my country is going through very hard days because of armenian agression towards azerbaijan.
They are bombing our sivile settlements and killing innocent people far away frontline. In Ganca BArda, Beylaqan and Tartar.
I know you have spent one month in Baku and are aware how it feels to be subject of aggression and at the same time injustice from world community.
I thought it would be better if i send you little information about historical truth about Karabagh war.
One of Azerbaijan`s ancient settlement and culture centers, Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Karabakh region. In 1923, the Soviet government established the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO), covering a total area of 4,400 км², in the mountainous part of Karabakh. This laid the foundation of separatist trends in that region. But in fact the root cause of the problem goes back to the 18th century when the Armenians, who were resettled in Azerbaijan, laid claims to Azerbaijani lands
Armenia continued its political and military provocations in 2017 too. The Armenian military units intensively shelled the Azerbaijani armed forces’ frontline positions and civilian population from heavy artillery. This resulted in the killing and wounding of two civilians in Alkhanli village in Fuzuli district on July 4.
Despite all the peaceful efforts of Azerbaijan, Armenia with its destructive policy hampers the step-by-step resolution of the problem, tries to undermine the negotiation process through political and military provocations, and aims to achieve the war goals by perpetuating the current status quo based on the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories.
Armenia deliberately and non-discriminately targets the civilian settlements, bombing even second largest city of Azerbaijan Ganca
Since Sept. 27, Azerbaijan's civilian casualties rose to 31, while 171have been wounded in Armenian attacks on civilian settlements.
Due to bombing several schools and kindergartens were closed since 27/09".