Анар Рагимов направил проректору Университета Джади Айяд письмо об армянских провокациях

Преподаватель норвежского языка в Азербайджанском университете языков Анар Рагимов направил письмо проректору по международным отношениям Университета Джади Айяд Марокко доктору Фатиме Зохре Ифлахен о провокациях Армении против Азербайджана.

Представляем это письмо:

"Dear madam Fatimazohra

I write this email to inform you about war situation in my country.

Due to Armenian aggression and attack in frontline in Nagorno Karabgh everything is devastated and more than 30 civile people have died in recent 8 days. Schools, universities have been closed and our students had to go to frontline to protect our mother land.

Since over 20 years, Armenia has continued to illegally occupy around 20% of Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territory including the region of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts. The entire territory of the invaded lands is almost 13 times the area of the City of Los Angeles or bigger than the U.S. State of Connecticut. 

As a collogue and as one who visited our country i just wanted to inform you about this situation"