Azerbaijan University of Languages is Launching a Magnificent Project

15 february, 2018
For the first time students will practice internships at IDP schools On February 15, a conference dedicated to the pedagogical and practical experience of the students completing their Bachelor's degree in 2017-2018 was held at Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​(AUL). Rector of AUL, Full Member of the ANAS, Honored Scientist Kamal Abdulla congratulated the students on their pedagogical experience. Rector said that for the first time, some of the students will have a pedagogical experience in IDP schools located in different regions of our country, stressed that this dignified and noble work will show its fruitful results for both the University and the schools. According to Acad. K.Abdulla, the staff of the University visited to get acquainted with the schools where the students are going to be sent. He noted that all the necessary conditions for the  students’ and their instructors’ good living  in the regions will be arranged  and their travel expenses will be covered  by the University. Rector K.Abdulla said that it is also necessary  to hold debates  with pupils on the recently published book "The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the Azerbaijani Model of Multiculturalism", to  propagandize the ideology of Azerbaijanism and other issues. It is also necessary to debate issues. Expressing the importance of extracurricular activities, Acad. K. Abdulla recommended the students to keep the atmosphere of the  University in the IDP schools and to leave  an impression of AUL on them, and at the same time, to keep to the internal discipline of schools. Mammad Ismayilov, Head of the Department of Experience, Professional Development and Career, Head of Pedagogical Experience at AUL, characterized the pedagogical and practical experience as the first labor activity of students and, congratulated them on this occasion. He said that the pedagogical experience starting from February 16, 2018 will last 14 weeks in the full  time department and 5 weeks in the correspondence department. The students will be trained at the  school-lyceum No64 in Baku and Zangilan IDP school in Binagadi district, as well as in  Jocuk Marjanli village of Jabrayil region, Ganja, Barda and Mingachevir. M.Ismayilov added that the students involved in practical experience will practice in different organizations within 14 weeks. Then M.Ismayilov spoke about innovations applied to pedagogical and practical  experience and informed about the assessment process. The meeting ended with answering questions. It should be noted that this project is of a volunteer character that AUL volunteers help refugees and internally displaced people  to contribute to the state care. So that, University and secondary school relations will continue  not only in the period of practice, but also afterwards will be systematic. This envisages expanding the scope of the practice to cover the villages, establishing links with the University's foreign language teachers.