“Turkology” Journal has been included in the EBSCO USA database
21 august, 2019
International Journal “Turkology”, founded by the President of the national Academy of Sciences, again succeed. The Journal has been included into the prestigious International organization EBSCO database.
Executive secretary of the Journal, PhD in Philology Elchin Ibrahimov noted that the main purpose of “Turkology” Journal ,one of the prestigious scientific Journals of the Turkic world, is in publication of the numerous articles about the history and the actual problems of Turkology, to the language education items, literature and cultural wealth of the Turkic nations, in Azeri, Turkish, Russian, English languages.
During the last years “Turkology” Journal strengthened the relations with the international scientific centers, resulting in its being included in the International organization database in August 2019. EBSCO is the International database, operating in the USA and providing indexing service and directories. It gives access to more than 57000 scientific electronic journals and to more than 1.5 million electronic books, as well as the subscription to more than 360 000 different magazines.
It should be noted that it`s not the first success of the “Turkology” Journal.In 2017 it was included in international bibliography index MLA( Modern Language Association, New York, USA), Saji (Scholar Article Journal Index, Amsterdam/Hollandiya), SIS (Scientific Indexing Services, Texas/USA), TEI (Turkish Educational İndex, Ankara/Türkiyə), SOBİAD (Sosyal Bilimler Atıf Dizini, Elazığ/Türkiyə); and to COSMOS IMPACT FACTOR (Germany) in 2018.