A scientific-practical conference was held in AUL “On the actual problems of teaching foreign languages”

On December 6-7, 2018, a scientific-practical conference was held in AUL “On the actual problems of teaching foreign languages” on the initiative of the Faculty of Education. The vice-rector on academic issues Professor A. Abdullayev opened the conference and pointed out that care for the education and science was growing in the country day by day. Speaking about events held at the University and said that science and education are inseparable and right steps have been taken in that direction. He noted that 158 theses have been sent to the Organizing Committee of the conference, twelve universities of the republic and research organizations share these theses.
Professor F. Jahangirov, dean of the Education Faculty, conveyed information on the work of the conference. He said that it is the first time that his faculty is organizing such a conference. He thanked the administration of the University for the confidence. He said that the conference was an integral part of the conception of education implemented into life by the Azerbaijani government. Then he spoke about the instruction of the Azerbaijani President dated November 16, 2018, which concerned the increase of the international competitiveness of the Azerbaijani education in 2019-2023. He added that the role of the foreign language is irreplaceable in the implementation of the objectives which derive from the said Instruction. He declared that in the globalizing world the integration of the Azerbaijani education to the space of world education and science, scientific cooperation as well as the double diploma programs attaches great importance to the study of the foreign languages. He also mentioned a number of programs and projects implemented into life with the universities of foreign countries.
Head of the chair of the English Language and Teaching of its Methodology of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Professor Naila Sadigova, head of the chair of Foreign Languages of Azerbaijan University of Economics Professor Afet Abbasova, senior research fellow of the Department of the Indio-European Languages of the Linguistic Institute after Nesimi of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Professor Ilham Tahirov, head of the chair of the English language of Baku State University associate-professor Abbas Abbasov, head of the chair of foreign languages of Azerbaijan State Technical University associate-professor Yusif Suleymanov, teacher of the Chair of Language Preparation of the Police Academy police lieutenant Rufet Nuriyev spoke of the importance of teaching of foreign languages and of their roads which they open for the youth in Azerbaijan.
The speakers also mentioned the contributions of Azerbaijan University of languages to the teaching of foreign languages and also in building close relations with the foreign countries.Then the associate –professor of the chair of Lexicology and Stylistics of the University Melahat Veliyeva spoke about the educational aspects of Azerbaijani-English bilinguism.
Teacher of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Khayala Hamidova spoke on the study of one member sentences in English and the problems created by them.
On the next day at the final session of the conference dean of the Education Faculty Professor Fikret Jahangirov, advisor of the rector Anar Osmanli noted the successful closure of the conference and expressed their deep gratitude to all the persons in the organizing committee.
Then the conference heard the information conveyed by the moderators of sections.It should be noted that the conference which was held on December 6-7, 2018, continued its work in five sections. The sections discussed the problems of teaching foreign languages at present, on the use of ICT and innovative methodology of teaching foreign languages, the lingua-cultural aspects and the pedagogical and psychological aspects of teaching foreign languages. The reports of the speakers were introduced in three languages, that is, in Azerbaijani, Russian and English.